In the community I was born and grown,signature is simply a combinaiton of randomly drawn vertical and horizontal lines.But,in my opinion,it should not be like that rather it must be ones name.So,WHAT IS SIGNATURE? Is it allowed to change a signature and if possible how frequent? If I change my signature, do I need to legalize it like changing my name?What's signature?How frequent can a person change a signature?Is there a need to legalize like changing name?
The legal description of a ';signature'; is:
A signature is the mark of a specific individual against a specific document at a specific time 搘ith a specific intent.
To answer your question, any mark you make can be considered your signature. Many people cannot read or write so they may just put an ';X'; in a signature block, which is considered their ';signature';. When the U.S. was ';aquiring'; land from the Native Americans, most of them could not read or write, however a simple mark (writing an ';X'; or any other mark) on the documents made the ';signature'; legal.
When you say you want to change the signature on your license, you would have to go to the DMV and probably apply for a new license. Changing it on your current license would probably render the current license invalid, but that's just a guess.
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