Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How do I change names of songs purchased with iPod touch?

I purchased songs with my iPod touch and it won't let me change the names. I'm a neat freak... And i'm wondering if there is a way to change them.How do I change names of songs purchased with iPod touch?
If you have transferred the purchases to iTunes then try this:

Make the change in iTunes. Delete the song from your Touch then sync it from iTunes with the changes made.How do I change names of songs purchased with iPod touch?
I know the feeling, you can't change song details on the ipod, and if your ipod syncs with a computer, then it will sync on to your computer.

Meaning the song will be copied onto your computer, from there you can't change the song because itunes is gay about it. But thats ok theres another way, itunes places copy right protection on the songs you download from them.

So you need to convert the song file, I think you receive files from iTunes store in ACC or MP3 format, either way even if its mp3 or what ever, you want to convert the file.

If you don't know much about file types just convert it to the same thing. Converting will remove the copy write protection, don't worry it won't change your song file at all.

A lot of programs won't let you do converting on a song file with copy protection on it.

I honestly can't remember the name of the program that i used to convert the song to remove the copy protection, i think it may have been something like dBPowerAmp, if its not this just try i few programs till you find one that works.

As for where this song will be stored on your computer, it will normally be inside ';My Documents'; %26gt; ';Music'; %26gt; ';iTunes'; %26gt; ';iTunes Library'; %26gt; (Artist name bla bla).

I'm sure you get the general jist of where to find the song anyway.

Anyway after the song has been converted you can re- add this song into your collection, you'll now have two copies of the song, one copy that iTunes will see as the copy you downloaded from the itunes store with copy right protection on it and the other even thou its the same song will be seen as a song you got from some where and then you can change the song details on it by your normal get info screen when you right click on a song.

Sorry for the long explanation hope this helps
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