Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How do you change the names of Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

I traded a Buizel for Chimchar over GTS, which I'm happy about, but its name is in Japanese and I can't read it. Does anyone know if there is any way to change names in Pokemon Pearl?How do you change the names of Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?
The name rater is in Eterna City, in the tall building next to the PokeMart. But you can't nickname Pokemon that you got from other trainers.How do you change the names of Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?
go to eterna city to the house next to the gym. pick me for the best answer if my answers wrong its somewhere in eterna
When you evolve your Chimchar, it should go from the Japanese name to the English for Monferno.

if the pokemon is not under your name and trainer number, you cannot change it name.
Go to Eterna City, in a resort, there will be a man who will rate their names and let you change them

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