Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How do you change the names of your top friends on Myspace to make them what you want? (';Greg'; to ';My Boy';)

Hey, in order to do that you need a Top 8 editor. There are pleanty of websites that provide these such as the ones I've listed below. I hope these help!How do you change the names of your top friends on Myspace to make them what you want? (';Greg'; to ';My Boy';)
The point of social networking is to get people to visit a place and look at the ads, changeing a screen name has no relevance whatsover. If Greg is your boy, well you and Greg know that, be happy.

If you were in Starbucks with Greg, would you insist on telling everyone that entered, that This is Greg, and Greg is my Boy!.

Its kinda funny when I imagine that happening.

I have no idea how to do that other than to put it in the text somewhere.

HTML/%26lt;js%26gt;%26lt;Show Picture!%26gt;/%26lt;html%26gt;%26lt;h4%26gt;%26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;text%26gt; IS MY BOY!%26lt;html/%26gt;%26lt;end%26gt;

That is not actuall code by any means, but you can use it cause Microsoft said so.How do you change the names of your top friends on Myspace to make them what you want? (';Greg'; to ';My Boy';)
You scroll to the part where it shows all your friends and below that box it should say ';Change Top Friends'; click on that and then change your friends to the way you want it to look.

Trust me I have a myspace too.

Good luck.

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